Predict Example

let's create a text area to capture the user's comments. We will offer the user a bit of help to finish his/her thoughts

1'use client'
2import {Predictron} from '@revivesoft/inputron';
3import { useState } from 'react';
4const PredictRonExample = () => {
5 const handleChange = (name: string, value: string) => {
6 console.log('handing change for value', value);
7 }
9 const [comments, setComments] = useState('');
10 return (
11 <Predictron name='comments' onChange={handleChange}/>
12 );

Selectron Example

let's create a dropdown input to recommend the best surfing spots in the world


Selected Country:

Selected Surf Spot:

1"use client";
3import { SelecTron } from "@revivesoft/inputron";
4import { useState ,useEffect } from "react";
6export default function SelectronExample() {
7 const [country, setCountry] = useState("");
8 const [surfSpot, setSurfSpot] = useState("");
9 // reset surfing spot when country changes
10 useEffect(() => { setSurfSpot("");}, [country]);
12 return (
13 <>
14 <div className="space-y-4">
15 <SelectronClient
16 value={country}
17 onValueChange={setCountry}
18 prompt={`top 5 countries for surfing`}
19 title={`Top Countries for surfing`}
20 />
22 {country && (
23 <SelectronClient
24 key={country}
25 value={surfSpot}
26 onValueChange={setSurfSpot}
27 prompt={`top 8 places to surf in ${country} only.`}
28 title={`Top Surf Spots in ${country}`}
29 />
30 )}
31 </div>s
32 </>
33 );

Labeltron Example

Let's create a simple input field with a label that translates into 5 languages on hover. The languages are spanish, arabic , german , hindi

1"use client";
3import { LabelTron } from "@revivesoft/inputron";
4import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input";
5import { Globe } from "lucide-react";
7const LabeltronExample = () => {
8 const langauges = ["es", "ar", "de", "hi"];
9 return (
10 <div className="flex flex-col space-y-4">
11 <LabelTron
12 languages={langauges}
13 icon={{ className: "h-3 text-pink-500", visible: true, }}
14 interval={2000}
15 className="text-md font-bold ">
16 First Name
17 </LabelTron>
18 <Input name={"name"} placeholder="John "></Input>
20 <LabelTron
21 languages={langauges}
22 icon={{ className: "h-3 text-pink-500", visible: true,
23 iconElement: <Globe className="h-3 animate-ping ml-1" />,}}
24 interval={2000}
25 className="text-md font-bold ">
26 Enter your e-mail address
27 </LabelTron>
29 <Input name={"email"} placeholder=""></Input>
30 </div>
31 );

TextareaTron Example

Let's create a simple text area to capture the medical condition of a patient at an clinic

In the example above, the user can click the Enhance it button, to improve the entry. A developer can also configure keys such as TAB to trigger the rewrite. You can use Ctrl+Z to undo the rewrite.
1'use client'
2import { submitFormAction } from '@/app/actions/example-actions';
3import { TextareaTron } from "@revivesoft/inputron";
4import { Rocket } from "lucide-react";
5import { useState,useEffect } from "react";
6import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
8const TextareatronExample = () => {
9 const [comment, setComment] = useState('I feel a little bit dizzy')
10 const [originalText,setOriginalText] = useState(comment);
11 const customOnChange =async (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => {
12 setComment(;
13 }
15 useEffect(()=>{
16 setOriginalText(comment);
17 })
18 return (
19 <>
20 <form action={submitFormAction} className="space-y-2">
21 <div className="px-4 py-4 bg-white dark:bg-gray-800 w-full
22 space-y-4">
23 <TextareaTron
24 autoFocus
25 id='condition'
26 name='condition'
27 labelConfig={
28 { content: 'Describe how you feel in simple words.
29 Use your favorite language.',
30 visible: true,
31 style: 'text-sm font-semibold text-gray-700' }}
32 placeholder="Enter your comment here"
33 onChange={customOnChange}
34 value={comment}
35 triggerKeys={['Tab']}
36 setTextValue={setComment}
37 prompt='Rewrite in medical terms.'
38 buttonConfiguration={{
39 button_visible: true,
40 text_visible: true,
41 text: 'Enhance it',
42 icon: <Rocket className='w-3 h-3 text-xs mr-2 ' />,
43 style: 'bg-white rounded-full
44 text-black p-3 h-4 text-xs
45 hover:bg-pink-500 hover:text-black
46 hover:text-white '
47 }}
48 />
49 <Button type='submit'
50 className='bg-blue-600 text-white items-right'>
51 Submit</Button>
52 <div>
54 </form>
57 )

TextareaTron Custom Agent Example

Let's come up with ideas for family vacations.

Custom agents are available only on business plans and above.

Agent: You are an expert family travel advisor.

Mission: Offer suggestions for family-friendly vacation activities based on the user's preferences.

In the example above, the user can click the Generate button, to improve the entry. A developer can also configure keys such as TAB to trigger the rewrite. You can use Ctrl+Z to undo the rewrite.
1'use client'
2import { submitFormAction } from '@/app/actions/example-actions';
3import { TextareaTron } from "@revivesoft/inputron";
4import { Rocket } from "lucide-react";
5import { useState,useEffect } from "react";
6import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
8const TextareatronExample = () => {
9 const [comment, setComment] = useState('I feel a little bit dizzy')
10 const [originalText,setOriginalText] = useState(comment);
11 const customOnChange =async (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => {
12 setComment(;
13 }
15 useEffect(()=>{
16 setOriginalText(comment);
17 })
18 return (
19 <>
20 <form action={submitFormAction} className="space-y-2">
21 <div className="px-4 py-4 bg-white w-full space-y-4">
22 <TextareaTron
23 autoFocus
24 id='condition'
25 name='TextAreaWithCustomAgent-TravelAdvisor'
26 labelConfig={
27 { content: 'Describe the activities your family enjoys on vacation.',
28 visible: true,
29 style: 'text-sm font-semibold text-gray-700' }}
30 placeholder="Enter your comment here"
31 onChange={customOnChange}
32 value={comment}
33 agent= 'custom'
34 triggerKeys={['Tab']}
35 setTextValue={setComment}
36 buttonConfiguration={{
37 button_visible: true,
38 text_visible: true,
39 text: 'Generate',
40 icon: <Rocket className='w-3 h-3 text-xs mr-2 ' />,
41 style: 'bg-white rounded-full
42 text-black p-3 h-4 text-xs
43 hover:bg-pink-500 hover:text-black
44 hover:text-white '
45 }}
46 />
47 <Button type='submit'
48 className='bg-blue-600 text-white items-right'>
49 Submit</Button>
50 <div>
52 </form>
55 )